15 September 2015

Wentworth Woodhouse Featured In Luxury Wedding Title Unveiled Magazine

Dine are proud that our stunning wedding and event venue Wentworth Woodhouse has been featured in the eagerly anticipated Issue 04 of high end bi-annual wedding magazine, Unveiled.


Included as the location for Editor Julia Braime’s (of award winning wedding blog Brides Up North) ‘Details’ editorial, The Marble Saloon at Wentworth Woodhouse shines as the perfect backdrop for the ballet inspired theme.



Julia says: “When choosing a location for our ‘En Pointe’ styled shoot, Wentworth Woodhouse’s Marble Saloon was at the top of my wish list.  It’s immaculate marble interiors, soft colour palette and abundance of natural light makes it my top choice for a beautiful wedding breakfast.”


Brides Up North will be hosting Wentworth Woodhouse’s Luxury Wedding Exhibition in The Marble Saloon from 12pm till 4pm on Sunday 18th October 2015. 

Visit www.bridesupnorth.com/wedding-fairs for more details and to pre-register.