19 September 2014

Planning The Perfect Party…

Dine’s MD, Daniel Gill, wants your parties to be spectacular, and these are his top tips for putting on a bash that’ll be memorable for all the right reasons.


Have a clear brief

Start with a clear idea of what you want from your party.  What do you want your guests to experience, feel and enjoy?  What do you want to achieve from your function?  These should be the foundations from which you can build a picture of the ideal event.

Choose an event specialist not only capable of generating imaginative ideas but who can demonstrate that they have the ability to do this in a way that will reflect your personal style and preferences.


Stand and deliver

It’s fine having ideas, but to deliver the perfect party you need to be able to follow through on every step from concept to completion, with every eventuality planned for, built into the schedule and taken care of ahead of time. Co-ordination is key.

Your event specialist should be able to demonstrate that they have a track record of implementing and coordinating a full project as “lead contractor”, up to and on the day itself.

The benefit of this approach is efficient project management and a smooth delivery. The team delivering the overall event “on the ground” can be confident that it’s component parts will come together to achieve an effective end result.


Understand the elements

A large function can comprise a great number of essential details.  As well as theming and hospitality, have you considered traffic management and security or infrastructures like power, heating, waste, access and lighting?

A good event manager will deal properly with the back of house detail but will ultimately focus the vast majority of their skill on the important part: the party!


Add some surprises

A great event manager will draw on the initial brief to produce an event that’s rich in creative detail.  Building a rapport with the client to get to the heart of their vision is a key skill.

Avoid any company that simply tries to apply a list of pre-conceived options, props or rolled out ideas.  The point of a private party is that it is a unique and fully bespoke experience.

Time spent planning and preparing with someone capable of proposing, developing and implementing innovative ideas is key.


And don’t forget to enjoy it!

It’s your party, relax and let someone else do the hard work…

Contact us to see how Dine can make your next event special