27 September 2019

Meet the new starters at Dine!

Sophie – Marketing Manager

Tell me a bit about your role here

It’s my job to handle all things creative. That involves social media, digital marketing, blog writing, content creation, and lots more. I have to make sure I’m shouting about the business so people can get an idea of what we do so well here.

What do you think makes dine a great place to work?

The people. And the events we host are out of this world – just saying.

What is the best thing about working in your field?

I like both marketing and events for the fact that they’re sociable, you’re having to talk to different people on a daily basis and make connections. It’s a very people orientated industry to be in.

Can you think of any examples of times when you have received excellent service?

I love going to different cocktail bars and there is one place that sticks in my mind in Leeds for great service which is a bar called Watermark. The service is second to none – they talk you through the cocktail menu and take the time to understand your preferences, from here they give you recommendations of which drink they think will suit you best. Even after they’ve served you they check in to see if you’re happy with everything.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever heard?

“Life begins outside of your comfort zone” and “be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind”.

Emily – Sales Manager

Tell me a bit about your role here

My role is looking after The Mansion and our venue Rise Hall. I work with clients and potential clients from their initial enquiry stage. I talk them through our menu options, drink options and give them a quote based on their preferences. The majority of people I speak with are couples planning their Weddings, but I work with corporate enquiries as well.

What is your work background/previous jobs experience?

I’ve always worked in events, I studied event management at University and I’m probably one of the only people in my courses who actually went into the industry. I started out working in sales and events for bars and restaurants and have worked in a range of unique venues. Working for a prop company was good fun – they made giant props for themed events, my favourite was the 6ft sparkly pink stiletto!

What do you think makes dine a great place to work?

The fact that everybody’s got each other’s back. As cheesy as it sounds, it’s like a family. If one department or one particular person has a heavy workload then other people will jump in.

What do you class as great service when dining out?

It goes without saying that the food has got to be of decent quality, I’m not a snob but it’s nice to go somewhere nice.

Also quite simple things but I think a lot of places in the service industry have forgotten the basics; a smile, eye contact, coming over to your table and introducing yourself and automatically putting water down rather asking if you want it. Having a bit of a conversation is also appreciated.

If you could pick up a new skill in an instant, what would it be?

I’d like to be able to speak every language in the world. Or play the harp.

What personal or professional accomplishments are you most proud of?

My charity work – my Mum passed away from cancer 12 years ago.  When she was diagnosed she realised that she’d never worn a ball gown and really wanted to wear one and go to an event. So she decided to host a black-tie event with help from friends and family and she organised 2 charity balls which between them raised around 40,000.

Since she’s passed I have obviously developed my career in the events industry.  During this I’ve organised 4 charity balls, along with doing things like race for life and the 3 peaks.  Over 12 years, as a family we have raised about £80,000 for different charities.

Bruce – Financial Director

What is your work background/previous jobs experience?

I am a Chartered Accountant and Chartered Tax Advisor and spent a good amount of time in the accountancy practices such as KPMG and Deloitte when I was younger. I then opened my own business in catering and spent 15 years running that which I sold that earlier this year.

What do you like doing outside of work?

I have 2 young children that take a lot of my time – Georgia (6) and Thomas (3).

I’m a big sports fan and love most sports but cricket in particular. I love reading, have a big interest in history and love all kinds of music. I try to encourage the children to listen to music as well. Other than that I love food and have always got some sort of concoction or project on the go at home.

What do you think makes Dine a great place to work?

We’ve got a good set of people.  What was noticeable when I joined dine was the positive attitude here. Overall friendliness, it’s the people that make the business and the team here has a professional, dedicated attitude to work.

What do you class as great service?

It depends what kind of place you’re going to. I like good food.  Friendly professional service. If you’re just going to a burger place you just want friendly and attentive service whereas if you’re going to eat at a Michelin star restaurant you want whistles and bells. It’s horses for courses.

Can you think of any examples of times when you have received excellent service?

My wife bought me a meal at Le Gavroche in London for my 50th birthday which was fantastic. The service there was incredible, I really enjoyed it.

What personal or professional accomplishments are you most proud of?

Being a professional chartered accountant, and also chartered accountancy and chartered taxation exams which I put a lot into. Attaining a good position for one of the biggest accountancy firms in the world, I was really proud of that.

Personally, my children, my family. I used to be a really good runner, and could run a half marathon in an hour and a half.


If you would like to see the rest of the team, you can see them here.  To chat with one of our fabulous team members don’t hesitate to give us a call on 0113 275 4545